April 28, 2020
May 15th Update
Gowan Brae Procedures to start the 2020 Golf Season
Tee times will start the season at a 12-minute interval for the first week then we will move to 10-minute interval. We are starting with the extra time to give everyone a chance to get comfortable with the new guidelines that are in place to ensure everyone safety at Gowan Brae.
Booking a tee time
- Tee times can be booked online through the member link on our website or by calling the pro shop.
- All golfers must have a tee time or a driving range time schedules to come to the golf course.
- NO walk-on golfers will be permitted. All players must have a tee time.
- Power cart rentals must be confirmed when booking a tee time.
- Members can book 3 days in advance and non-members can book 2 days in advance.
Arrival at the golf course
- You must have a tee time or a driving range reservation before you come to the golf course.
- Golfers are allowed to arrive at the golf course 25 minutes before their tee time. If you arrive earlier you will be asked to wait in the parking lot.
- The group that is next to tee off is allowed to use the upper putting green.
Entering the clubhouse
- The new main entrance doors at the clubhouse will be only an entrance door only and the doors near the first tee will be exit only. The goal is to avoid people meeting in the hallway and to respect physical distancing of 6 feet.
- Please follow directional arrows around the clubhouse and Pro Shop.
- As per government of NB guidelines everyone is encouraged to wear a mask inside the clubhouse.
- Gowan Brae charge accounts and tap debit/credit card transactions are our preferred method of payment. Please avoid using cash if at all possible.
- If you would like to set-up a Gowan Brae charge account please contact the pro shop or administration office.
- Maintain physical distancing of more than 6 feet at all time on the golf course.
- No ball washers, rakes and benches will be on the course to avoid touch points.
- In the bunker please use your foot or club to smooth the sand before and after your shot.
- Do not touch the pin, we have a system in place to lift the ball out of the hole with your putter.
- No Sand and seed bottles will be on power cart.
- The bathroom facility on course between the 5th green and 13th tee will be open and will sanitized multiple times per day. The on-course canteen will open for the season on May 28th.
Golf Carts, Push carts and Club storage
- Power carts are allowed on a single rider basis. Players who live in the same house or 2 family bubble can share a power cart.
- Power carts will be washed and sanitized after every use.
- Pull carts are allowed.
- Rental pull carts will be sanitized after every use.
- Members will be allowed to use club storage facilities. Only staff will be allowed to enter the club storage area and for now golf clubs will not be washed.
- Locker rooms are available for member use. Please touch only your locker and maintain social distancing.
Driving Range and practice facility
- To use the driving range, you must reserve a time. Times will be book on the hour (9am, 10am, etc..) and you will be able to hit balls for up to 45 minutes. Then staff will restock golf balls and sanitize the area to be ready for more golfers to start the following hour.
- The upper putting green is only available to the next group scheduled to tee off.
- If you would like to practice on the lower putting green or in the area next to hole #3 and #4 please call the pro shop to let us know you’re coming to the course.
Pro Shop
- No more that 6 people will be allowed in the retail area of the pro shop at one time and a maximum of 4 people will be allowed in the golf simulator are (2 per simulator).
- The Pro shop is open to the public.
- Touch points in the pro shop will be sanitized multiple times per day.
- The Pro Shop and simulators are open. Everyone will be sanitizing their hands before entering the pro shop and any products that are tried on or returned will be steamed and kept out of the shop for 48 hours before being returned to the rack.
Restaurant (Pub 58)
- The restaurant will be open for golfers, for take-out and eat-in food. The tables will be set-up to respect physical distancing of at least 6 feet.
- Golfers are encouraged to call in food orders in advance from the 9th tee and 18th tee to avoid people gathering in the restaurant area.
More details
- Thursday night men's night will begin on Thursday June 4th. More information to follow next week with details.
- The junior program will take place this summer. We're just waiting for clarification on a few details of the program. Information for the summer program will be released as soon as possible.
- The restaurant will be open starting on Thursday May 21st for breakfast, lunch and supper. The tables have been set up to maintain social distancing.
All members and guests must respect these guidelines in accordance with province of NB regulations. The health and safety of our golfers and staff is our number one priority.
April 28th Update
Planning is now in full swing for the 2020 golf season with the great announcement we received last week from the Provincial Government. As the snow continues to melt, we’re still a few weeks away from the start of the golf season. We will update everyone with our opening date as soon as the course is ready for play.
For now, golf courses are allowed to open but clubhouses are still to remain closed based on government guidelines. Anyone who has any questions about membership or the upcoming golf season can call the clubhouse at 546-2707 ext.2 for the pro shop or ext.5 for Director of Golf, or you can contact us by email at info@gowanbrae.ca Over the next couple of weeks, we will continue to update everyone on the new guidelines that will be in place to start the 2020 golf season
April 24th Message
Great news!! Under the Government of New Brunswick's new guidelines regarding golf courses, we will officially be able to open whenever we're ready. Restrictions will be put in place of course, but this is great news nonetheless.
We still have a foot of snow on the course right now so we're not there yet, but stay tuned for more information from us in the coming weeks!