January 10, 2014
Gowan Brae Golf Club is excited to offer a full range of membership
options for the 2014 golf season. Here are a few key points to go along
with the attached membership form. In 2014 our Full Playing membership
will cost $940 and our Limited Playing membership is available for $810
for anyone 65 years of age and older. They can play anytime Monday thru
Friday including holidays weekends after 2pm.
Recruit a member program: any member who recruits a new Full or Limited playing member for the 2014 season will receive a $50 Gowan Brae gift card. Anyone who recruits an intermediate member will receive a $30 gift card; this doesn't apply to new junior members. A new member is an individual who wasn't a member in 2013.
Annual power cart rentals for members will now be charged per seat. Anyone who rents a power cart on a regular basis can take advantage of the yearly price of $430 for a power cart. Two golfers can still share a yearly cart rental; they will each pay $430. If you would like to ride with someone who has a yearly rental for a round you can pay for a ½ cart for 18 holes at a cost of $13.50. The Pro Shop will be monitoring power cart usage throughout the summer.
Memberships can be paid by cash, check or credit card. Postdated checks can be written or pre-authorized credit card payments set-up; with both options the final payment must be made by August 1st. A complete list of 2014 golf tournaments is available on our website www.gowanbrae.ca
For more information about the above programs and any membership questions please contact Director of Golf Adam Chamberlain at adam.chamberlain@gowanbrae.ca or call Gowan Brae at (506)546-2707 ext. 5